Macabro 2019 submissions open!

Posteado por: Diario Macabro

MACABRO FICH invites you to submit your Long Feature and Short Horror Films (fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, etc.) for the XVIII edition of Mexico City’s International Horror Film Festival in August, 2019.
Please read this guideline before sending materials or submission files. We’ll be glad to answer or give you more information NOT INCLUDED in this Call for Works. You can contact us at or

1.1 No age or nationality limit.
1.2 Each participant can submit as many works as desired.
1.3 Each work will be considered mainly to be included in the COMPETITION sections: Long International Feature, International Short Film and Mexican Short Film. Works not selected for competition could be chosen to be screened in another section.
1.4 We don’t pay rental fee for Films in Competition.
1.5 There are no restrictions for the production format.
1.6 Macabro FICH will accept works from 2017 to date for the Competition Sections
1.7 Macabro FICH wil not accept for Competition Sections MEXICAN or INTERNATIONAL Long Feature Films that had been screened in Mexico City or with commercial exhibitions previous to Macabro’s 2019 edition. These Works could be eligible to be screened in a different section as part of the Exhibition.

2.1 Submissions will be received from the release date of this Call for Works
2.2 We will accept submission only by FilmFreeway via:
2.3 Submission form is required.
2.4. Authors are fully responsible for the rights of their works.
2.5 Submission Deadline for Macabro Film Festival 18th Edition: April 30ty, 2019.

3.1 Films could be selected for COMPETITION or EXHIBITION according to the Festival Organization. This decision is unappelable.
3.2 The Festival Organization will let the participants know the dates and schedule of the Films. The organization will notify via e-mail of any exhibition of the Long Feature Films in alternative venues or showcase after the main event.
3.3 The screening of the films will be in DCP and Blu-Ray formats.
3.4 Films spoken in a different language than Spanish will be screened with Spanish/English Subtitles.
3.5 Works selected for the official competition, must be sent in dates and formats previously agreed with the Festival Organization.
3.6 Winners of the competition could be screened for Festival Sponsors and Allies.
3.7 Macabro FICH has screenings all year around in cities within Mexico and other countries. If you agree for your film to be a part of this project, please let us know in the submission form.
3.8 The Festival could invite films for the Competition Section. The request of a screener is not considered as an invitation.
3.9 The considered length for a long feature will be from 60 to 120 minutes.
3.10 The considered length for a short film will be from 1 to 29 minutes, credits included.
3.11 Medium-length films will be consider from 30 to 59 minutes. Selection and programming will be decided by the Organization.

4.1 Films selection will be limited.
4.2 In case the Film submitted is a Work in progress, you must notify the release date of the Final Work, if not, the Festival Organization can declare it out of Competition. Screenings of a “work in progress” will be decided by the Festival Organization.
4.3 Macabro FICH will contact directly each filmmaker to notify the FILM SELECTION and the terms of participation.
4.4. If your film is not selected and you request a technical written verdict, it will have a cost of $100.00 USD.

5.- JURY
5.1 The Official Jury will be composed by national and international Horror Filmmakers and Specialists and will be fully responsible of the selection of the Awards. MACABRO FICH will release the names of the juror during its press conference in August, 2019.
5.2 Decisions of the Jury will be definitive and could declare empty any of the categories.

6.1 Festival Organization will solve any doubt or controversies. The final decision will be unappealable.
6.2 Festival Organization could show fragments of films from the Official Selection for promotional purposes (website, youtube, social networks, TV).
6.3 Submission imply conditions acceptance.

Macabro: Mexico City lnternational Horror Film Festival establish the next awards:

7.1 Macabro for International Horror Long Feature Film – Macabro Red Figure
7.2 Macabro Sapphire Award for Latin American Horror Long Feature Film – Macabro Blue Figure
7.3 Macabro Silver Award for Best Long Feature Film Director – Macabro Silver Figure
7.4 Macabro Jade Award for Best Mexican Short Film – Macabro Green Figure
7.5 Macabro Onix Award for Best international Short Film – Macabro Black Figure
7.6 Macabro Animation Award for Best Animated Short Film – Macabro Violet Figure
7.7 Macabro Ghost Award for Best Picture selected by the Macabro Audience – Macabro White Figure.
Every movie produced among 2017 and 2019 of every Country and festival section could be voted by Macabro Audience.
7.8 Macabro Press Award – Macabro Bronze Award
Winner will be selected by at least three members of the press that covers the festival.
7.9 Macabro will announce financial or sponsored awards for each competition.

Macabro FICH is produced by the nonprofit Organization Arte Audiovisual Alternativo, A.C. that owns copyrights for Macabro FICH, Macabro logo and Macabro Film Festival. Any and all use without permission is forbidden.


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